Texas Rig Fishing: How to Rig and Fish

The bass fishing world has many different styles and techniques for catching fish, but there is no method as popular or as useful as the Texas rig. Similar to a Carolina rig, the Texas rig is a very simple and effective way to attach your lure or bait to your line and catch that next big bass. If you have ever wanted to learn how to assemble a Texas rig or catch fish with it, you will want to continue reading!

What is the Texas Rig?

The Texas rig is a fishing rig that is most commonly used to catch bass, although it can be used for almost any fish species. This rig is assembled using a soft plastic lure and a weight that is directly above the lure. This simple design allows it to easily weave in and out of heavy brush and weeds, making it an extremely popular choice amongst anglers. 

An added benefit of the Texas rig is that it is very easy to assemble and learn to use. It can be effectively used by anglers of any skill level, and it catches a lot of fish! While designed for use in weeds and cover, it can also be used from the shore, a boat, or even a pier. With a Texas rig, you can catch fish of any species in almost any type of water. 

Bass fishing with Texas Rig

Texas Rig Setup

Setting up a Texas rig is very easy, and anyone can do it after learning how. In fact, it is so simple; it really only requires three different things in addition to your fishing line! All you need for a Texas rig is a weight, a hook, and your plastic lure. Most anglers will probably already have many of these items in their tackle boxes. 

What are the Best Weights for a Texas Rig?

One of the first things that you will need is an egg or bullet-style sinker weight. The best size is generally around ½ to 1 ounce in weight, but you can use any size you think is best for your situation. Bullet-style weights are ideal, as they allow your bait to glide through weeds and grass more easily. 

What are the Best Worms for a Texas Rig?

The next thing that you will need is your soft plastic lure. This can be any design or color; some favorites include plastic worms, crawfish, or lizards. Luckily the Texas rig works great with all of these and can be used with any size or shape of plastic. Plastic worms always seem to be the most popular, and the best brands to look for are Gulp, Zoom, and Yamamoto. The actual size of your lure should correspond with your hook preference, which is next on our list!

What is the Best Hook Size for a Texas Rig?

The hook that you use with your Texas rig setup will largely depend on the species of fish that you are after. For bass fishing, the best sizes are 3/0 to 5/0 hooks. Offset style hooks will work extremely well with this rig. As long as your hook is sharp and of adequate size, however, almost any hook will work. Once you have acquired all of these things, you are now ready to assemble your Texas rig!

Setting Up the Rig

Assembling the Texas rig is very easy. First, take your fishing line and slide it through your egg or bullet sinker. After you have threaded it through, tie the end of your fishing line onto your hook. Next, take the hook and attach it to your plastic lure. This is done by piercing the hook completely through the top of your lure. Once the tip of the hook is out, slide the head of your worm up the hook all the way to the eyelet. 

This is the most important part of assembling a Texas rig, as you want your lure to look as lifelike as possible. You will want to re-enter the worm on the hook in the middle portion of the lure. Pinch the lure with your fingers and measure this distance, then lift up the lure and push the hook through the lure at this distance. Once this is done, you have now successfully made your first Texas rig!

How to Fish a Texas Rig 

The best part of a Texas rig is that not only is it very easy to make, but it is even easier to fish with. This rig can be fished in a number of ways, no matter what your fishing style might be. To get started, cast your rig out into an area of promising water. Let it completely sink to the bottom, and then begin to slowly retrieve it. As you do, give it plenty of random jerks and pulls to help your lure resemble dying prey to hungry bass. 

Depending on your area and how well the fish are biting, you can change up things like retrieval speed and jerks in the line. Try an extremely slow retrieve with more sporadic jerks and pauses for slow days where the fish do not seem to be biting on anything. On days when the fish are more active, quicker retrievals will usually work best. 

Texas Rig for Bass

It is no surprise that the Texas rig works so well for bass, especially considering it was designed based on the famous Carolina rig. The Carolina rig was specifically designed for bass fishing, and the Texas rig was derived from it. There are, however, a few things you can do with it to successfully catch more bass with your Texas rig!

Just like the Carolina rig, the Texas rig places your lure along the bottom of the water and allows it to bump into rocks, stumps, and other underwater structures. This simple design gives it the illusion of being an injured prey creature, triggering a bass’ natural predator instincts. The fish believe this is an easy target for feeding and are more prone to strike. 

Magreel Fishing Tackle Kit 229pcs, Texas and Carolina Rig Kit Including Fishing Offset Hooks Beads Sinkers Swivels Swimbaits for Bass Trout Salmon Perch
Texas Rig Set

With the Texas rig, you can more easily weave in and out of rocks, grass, and weeds than with the Carolina rig. Bass love hanging out in these types of places, so if you can place your lure in these areas, you are much more likely to catch plenty of fish. If they are still being stubborn, giving your line plenty of random jerks and “pops” will allow your bait to look like it’s struggling or making is trying to escape, hopefully resulting in a bite. 

The best thing about a Texas rig is that it can be used at any time of the year and in any type of water. It does not matter if you are fishing during the spawn, before, or long after. You can retrieve a Texas rig slowly or rapidly at any depth. There is really no wrong way to use this awesome rig!

Texas Rig Tips

While the Texas rig is very easy to use, there are a few simple things that you can do to make it even more effective. These tips and tricks are often used by fishing professionals to make the most out of this rig to find fish and get them to bite. 

With a Texas rig, it is very easy and quick to change out lures. This can be done by disconnecting the soft plastic lure and simply hooking on another one without ever having to deal with tying or cutting your fishing line. If you are not having any success with your current lure, consider trying out a different color, style, or size by quickly swapping it out. 

Another trick is to use your Texas rig to find fish in heavy cover or weeds. This rig was designed to be able to fish these areas, so use it to locate fish when you do not know where they are hiding. Once you locate them, you can now hone in on their location and change up your tactics to catch them much more easily. 

Texas Rig: FAQ

Texas Rig vs Carolina Rig: What’s the Difference?

The Texas rig was derived from the Carolina rig, so both of these fishing rigs are very similar. The major difference between the two is the location of the weight that is used. A Texas rig is a little more simple, as it places the bait directly above your hook and baits. A Carolina rig uses a leader to place the weight some distance above the hook and lure. 

What is the Best Rod for a Texas Rig?

Any good fishing rod can be used successfully with a Texas rig, but most bass fishermen will use rods that are medium to medium-heavy rods in order to get the most out of it. These fast-action rods will give you plenty of power and speed to fish the rig in cover but still be flexible and sensitive enough to feel a strike. 

Texas Rig Fishing | Conclusion

The Texas rig is one of the most popular fishing rigs in the world, and for a good reason. Many bass anglers consider this their go-to rig no matter where they are fishing, and it always seems to produce results. Now that you have a better idea of what this rig is, how to make it, and how to use it, you too can now go out and catch bass like never before!

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